If you remember your high school years, you know that kids dressed very differently, depending on what social group they belonged to. There were jocks, preppies, goths, and nerds, and probably a few in between those. Their dress was a mark of identification, and you knew about their values, beliefs, and priorities based on that dress.

It’s really not that much different in your adult world today. If you just walk down a busy street, you’ll see all different manners of dress, and those will speak to a person’s lifestyle and values.

So, let’s take a look at dress in the adult world, and the messages they send. Choice of dress involves both the colors and styles people choose. 


There is an entire body of research on color and what each one portrays psychologically. Check out just the variety of colors used by websites when they are trying to portray their brand. There is a huge difference between the colors used by a children’s toy retailer and one that sells luxury jewelry or cars.

Here is a brief rundown of the psychological meaning of colors.

Red attracts attention and sends messages of power, strength, passion, and energy. That’s why “power ties” always have red.

Green is a complex color. It can send a message from nature – freshness, health, perhaps being peaceful. And yet it also sends a message of wealth, or at least a focus on money.

Blue is a color of idealism, compassion, calm, and optimism. Dark or navy blue, though, can reflect formality.

Brown is a warm color and may be chosen by people who see themselves as wise, mature, and stable.

Orange is a warm color but splashes of it can say enthusiasm and extroversion

Purple is a “regal” color and speaks to luxury, ambition, power and dignity

Black is another complex color with many messages – elegance, power, formality, and authority. Who doesn’t have a basic black dress they can dress up, dress down, or wear to a business meeting with a jacket and low heels.

White may symbolize purity and innocence, but it also speaks of cleanliness and organization. Lots of white in hospitals and doctors’ offices.


Source: trulynatty.com

Not only is style a matter of personal choice but your style will change based on the environment you will be in and what you do in that environment. But within those environments, you still have personal choices that make statements.  

For example, you play tennis. When you show up to play a match, are you in a designer outfit or just shorts and a T-shirt? That speaks to your priorities and values and how you want to be perceived by the outside world.

The point is this: In any given environment, what message do you want to send by your color and style choices? Here are a few guidelines to consider:

Guidelines for Dress

Wear Power Clothing- when you want to send a message that you are in charge and are confident. Black or navy-tailored clothing, with perhaps a splash of red, will convey this message very well. This is the clothing you will want to wear when you are leading a meeting or going to a job interview. 

Dress for Your Mood- You have days when you are feeling enthusiastic and optimistic. Wear something red. On other days you feel more pensive and calmer. Shades of blue and green will project that mood.

For Dating- There are no style rules here. It depends on where you are going for sure. And take note of the style of your date too. If you meet up and you are in a nicely laundered and pressed outfit and they are in wrinkled, out-of-shape clothing, you may wonder if you want to continue to date this person. You may not have the same priorities.

Casual Work Environment- This calls for a variety of types of clothing, although whatever you wear, just be certain it is “work” related, meaning it is clean and neat. A collared shirt with casual pants or dark jeans is perfect. And if you want to make a statement that you feel upbeat and positive, add a splash of orange or yellow.

Underwear- Really? Yes, really. When you wear good underwear, you just feel better about yourself. You feel happier and more confident.

Designer Clothes- Labels are very important to some people, and they may be important to you. They do send a message that you wish to be considered “upper-class” and that you have the money to afford this clothing. But think about the message it sends to others – that you may be unapproachable. Designer clothes may be important to you, but be certain that you balance that dress with actions and words that are inclusive of everyone around you.

Clothing Really Does Say a Lot

Who you are and who you want to be in any given situation will be projected in a lot of ways. But your choice of color and clothing style will send a message before you even open your mouth. Choose carefully.

Julie Turek

241 Stories

Hi, this is Julie Turek, I love to share about latest fashion trends, outfit ideas, clothing hacks and what not about fashion. Stay Tuned!!